The Battle River is recognized for their best practices for transition and economic opportunity seeking. From supporting the diverse Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME’s) to large-scale expansion projects for international oil & gas companies. The Region is invested heavily in their private-sector development initiatives and supports.

Value Added Agriculture

The region has long been the backbone of the agricultural powerhouse that is Alberta.


From a variety of energy production to mining, the region is a global player in the energy sector.

Retail and Consumer Services

A ripe start-up environment and world class supports make the region the place to do business.

Health and Wellness

Health and wellness is a key sector, continually growing and evolving within the region.

“I have been overwhelmed with the support and resources that are available and provided to my business each year. The initiatives created through the BREOCopportunities and others are unparalleled by any other area. These resources provide local business owners not only the security and support to continue to grow, but also the confidence to tell others to start and build a business in our region.”

- Lisa Layden, Owner Benchmark Hearing Centre

Being an owner and operator of a gym is amazing! But, like any entrepreneur there arealways challenges and opportunities. Thankfully, BREOC has programming and a teamin place to assist me with making sure Iam successful. BREOC’s programming andsupport have allowed me to elevate my business and adapt my model through theseunique circumstances. I believe any entrepreneur would be happy to have the levelservices and support that BREOC provides to their local business community!”

- Leanne Lougheed, Owner Quality Fitness Studio

“BREOC has been extremely supportive of my new business, Zorbsmore. As the soledistributor in Western Canada for all Zorbsmore products, BREOC’s programs andhands-on experts supported me in developing new strategies to assist me in identifyingnew customers and extending my products reach. BREOC truly is invested in thegrowth and success of the regions businesses!”

- Sven Bernard, Owner ZorbsMore Canada

Our business could not havebeen so successful without all the help we have receivedthrough BRIC, Castor.We have hired a full-time staff member to help with our growth.We are now discussing how we can grow even more, adding new towns to our deliveryoptions as well as seeing our options for growing more volume of vegetables on the farm.

- Kirsty Frayn, Co-Owner Pasture Perfect Far

“My many thanks and gratitude go out to the hard work of the County Council, theirstaff, and BREOC in supporting our community businesses and citizens. Thanks to youall, I have been the beneficiary of a tremendous amount of assistance, which hasallowed me to move forward in expanding my business and opening up a new storefront location. I grew up locally and have lived in larger urban centres, but the level ofservice cannot compare to the professional programs, resources, and assistance that Ihave encountered here!”

- ShirleyDamberger, Owner/OperatorHOM Wellness